from france.
Post by Georg LittyPost by AlboonAFAIK = as far as i am concerned ?
As far as I know.
Post by AlboonIMO = in my opinion ?
Yes, and IMHO = in my humble opinion, which I would never use because my
opinions aren't humble ... ;-)
Post by Albooncliffhanger = ????????
Last episode of a series which includes at least one open storyline which
will be continued in the next season.
E.g. main character is shot at and you don't really know if he's dead.
Then you've got to wait until next season to know.
Or, as Buffy season 6, Buffy dies, season ends, and you wonder how the
series will continue.
Post by Alboonthanxs ! (im not english...)
Obviously ... they spell it thanx or thanks. ;-)
I'm not English (or American) either.
Where are you from?
Ciao, Georg <><
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